Top 5 Rules on How
to Mix Interior Styles

How do you combine and mix interior
styles? Let's review the 5 top essential

rules. Style Groups in Interior Design.

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Style Groups in Interior Design

Dabbling in interior design can be a fun way to inject personality and style into your home. While it might seem like a daunting task, it's actually easier than you think to create a cohesive look in any room. One of the best ways to achieve this is by grouping your furniture and decor together into style categories. This will help you to create an overall vibe for the space and make shopping for new pieces much easier. So, if you're ready to give your home a little makeover, keep reading for our top tips on how to style different rooms using design groups.

Classic Style

The classic style in the interior is like wine - it becomes more valuable over the years, and despite the transience of trends in the design world, it remains in demand.

The classical style was formed in the XVI-XVIII centuries - the era of palace luxury. The basis was formed by elements of classicism, baroque, rococo and empire. The modern classic interior combines generally accepted canons, is distinguished by rigor, elegance, and most importantly, functionality, it is much more convenient for modern life.

Rules for interior design in a classic style:
Natural materials for finishing and decoration. Floor covering made of precious woods: piece, type-setting or artistic parquet, solid or engineered board. Stone tiles: we prefer marble, made in compliance with the traditions of manufacturing. If you become the proud owner of a genuine stucco on the ceiling, try to save it. For wall decoration, choose paint with a matte finish, decorative plaster or wallpaper with an unobtrusive ornament. Fabric or silk, for example.

Characteristic color palette.
Pastel colors: white, shades of gray and versatile beige. Dense and noble shades of burgundy, brown, purple, salmon, and olive colors as accents.

Center of composition and symmetry.
In a classic interior, the composition is built around focal points. It can be a fireplace, a dining table, a chic sofa or an antique chest of drawers. Furniture is located around the center, and decor items or wall lamps are placed symmetrically.

Modern Style

Many people confuse classic modern in the interior with modern style (contemporary). In fact, modern, as a trend in design, is quite old. It originated in the late 1800s. Originating from German and Scandinavian architecture, Art Nouveau is simple and unparalleled. Its style is ideal for non-standard apartments, and studio apartments, and will also be an ideal choice when decorating a country house.

Modern interiors can be described as follows: form follows function. In other words, furniture and decor should primarily have a functional purpose.

Remember that the less furniture, the better. The seating area is represented by a soft part with upholstery in one light. An excellent choice would be a sofa with a dark wood frame and light fabric on the seats, as well as a couple of easy chairs. In the center, you can place a table with a low landing. It is desirable that the wooden elements of all furniture are made of the same type of wood. Furniture can be placed on a plain carpet. The interior of the living room will be complemented by bright accents in the form of accessories.

Rustic Style

Over its long history, the rustic style has acquired a huge number of variations, adapting to the national characteristics of different countries and absorbing the local flavor.

There are three main varieties:
Russian rustic style.
English country.
French Provence.

Each of these styles is individual and reflects the cultural traditions of their country, but the general concept is still the same - naturalness, simplicity, and comfort. Unity with nature also plays an important role in interior design, because one of the main principles of the rustic style is the rejection of artificial materials in favor of natural ones. Particular preference is given to wood, although the stone is also widely used. The decoration of the village house is distinguished by deliberate rudeness. You can flaunt floor beams, do not be shy about clumsy plaster and hand-knit furniture - all of this will only add originality. Practicality instead of excesses is the basic law of creating a rustic interior, but this does not mean that you should give up decorations and forget about beauty. On the contrary, it is worth paying special attention to them.

Industrial Style

The United States is considered the birthplace of the direction, but opinions differ regarding the time of its occurrence. Some believe that industrial was formed in the 90s of the last century, when industrial production intensified in America. New enterprises, entire factory districts, were opened everywhere. And against this background, the aesthetics of urbanism was formed and stood out as a separate style of literature, music, fashion, and interior design.

Others associate the birth of the direction with the Great Depression of the 30s. When manufactories and factories were forced to close or were transferred to the outskirts, the owners began to rent out unused buildings for housing. And if at first the industrial theme as a living space was associated with the economic crisis, then closer to the 70s, the originality of the design of such buildings began to be incredibly appreciated.

The factory premises ennobled by designers were turned into offices, bars, art galleries, hotels and shops. From there, the industrial style migrated to residential interiors: both in former industrial premises and in standard apartments with industrial paraphernalia.

Ethnic Style

Among the inhabitants of modern megacities there are many lovers of exotic culture. Someone is fond of oriental dances, others are enthusiastic about reading Japanese poetry or preparing Mexican cuisine. It is not necessary to live in a distant country in order to settle down according to the canons of local culture with decor. It is easy to transform your apartment using ethnic style in the interior, even without expensive overhaul. Just a few characteristic elements, furniture, lamps and textiles with folk patterns - and the house turns into a unique abode. Designers suggest using the same techniques to emphasize their ethnicity or tell about the roots of distant ancestors.

The lifestyle of exotic countries is a kind of romance that distracts from everyday life. Passion for the culture of other continents often goes beyond all limits and becomes a new way of life. And ethnic design often becomes a way to get away from boring reality. Sometimes trips to a distant country become an obsession, and with each return to the house it is filled with souvenirs characteristic of a particular culture. Ethnic style is back in fashion, and it is widely used not only for their homes. There are many delightful examples of the design of restaurants and cafes, nightclubs and shops, beauty salons and hookahs.

How do you combine and mix interior styles?

Let's review the 5 top essential rules.
  • Rule #1
    You can mix all styles (except the ethnic). You cannot mix Chinese and Moroccan or African and Russian. Let's take a classical group as an example - you can safely use any object and no one will notice anything strange. Everyone will think that this is just a classic style.
  • Rule #2
    You can mix modern styles with classic, rustic, technical, and industrial. Based on minimalism, we can add any other group to our interior..
  • Rule #3
    We can also add any group to our interior based on the classical style. For example, when we mix classics and ethnics, we often get a colonial style. That is the classic style with elements of a particular country.
  • Rule #4
    Separate renovations and furniture. If the renovation is modern and you want to add a touch of Japanese style, the furniture should already be in Japanese style. Otherwise, it will not differ. If you arrange everything in minimalism and add one Japanese-style pillow, it won't match.
  • Rule #5
    Rustic style blends with modern, classic, and industrial. Industrial also mixes with classics, and rustic, but not with ethnic.

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