Acrylic and Lucite Coffee Tables
A coffee table made of Lucite, also known as an acrylic coffee table, is highly in demand and fashion. The material that makes acrylic is called poly or methyl methacrylate. This material is often abbreviated as PMMA. Lucite furniture items will be transparent as glass and will have no solid corners apart from the sheet's border. The material's flexibility makes it ideal for creating furniture of any shape or design. Although most of the items made of Lucite are clear, it is possible to paint, tint, or otherwise color acrylic as well.
Most buyers prefer to buy an acrylic coffee table as it is durable and difficult to damage. Lucite material can be combined with others to create particular effects.
The procedure of making a Lucite coffee table might include carving, casting, or other designing techniques. There is an option of applying using a thin film or painted on. Acrylic can also be imprinted.
The acrylic coffee tables are perfectly visually appealing and give the illusion of a glass table. Usually, the acrylic tables are transparently made up of acrylic material.
These acrylic tables are available in various designs and colors. Moreover, they are sturdy and can withstand any harsh weather conditions. These tables come in different shapes like round, rectangular, and square.
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